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Plants like people suffer from lack of elements needed for successful growing so these group of products contains all the basic nutrients as N-P-K together with secondary nutrients and microelements besides the bio stimulants & deficiency correctors which help farmers to overcome soil deficiency problems also help plant to overcome the stress due to cold or heat.

Growth Regulators

Brassinolide 0.01% SL

Formulation Type: Soluble Liquid

A growth regulator has a role in stimulating the growth and elongation of plant cells where it works in conjunction with the hormone Alexin has an important role in stimulating the growth of seeds where the seeds were soaked, the first discovery of this substance was a pollen from the plant BASSINUS NAPUS, a plant of the mustard family, The plant is similar to the work of Gibrelin.

The group: the sixth of the growth organizations, which have been discovered more than 60 species of plants since 1979 that the movement of these substances in the plant ACROPETAL, that is to the top and towards the top of the plant and down towards the base.


  • Regulator growth: 0.01%


  1. Promotes and stimulates growth by regulating cell division and proliferating
  2. works in harmony with the hormones inside the cell
  3. controls the growth of seeds and increases the strength of seedlings
  4. Increases photosynthesis and transfers processed materials to other plant parts
  5. increases the level of response of enzymes to the secretion of nucleic acids, proteins and sugar
  6. shows and increases the resistance of the plant under bad conditions
  7. stimulates flowers and increases the holding of fruits
  8. Regulate growth, increase productivity and improve quality.
  9. increases the contract and the extension in the fruits.
  10. Increases the weight of grapes grapes because it increases the size of the grain
  11. Improves plant ability to resist drought and cold
  12. Increases resistance to disease.
  13. Differentiation is regulated when used in tissue culture
  14. Helps to eliminate the harmful effects of pesticides and fertilizers efficiently
  15. Increases seed activity and stimulates germination
  16. Prolonged the length of storage of vegetables and fruits during storage and transport
  17. It is used on a large number of crops such as grain, flowering plants and fruit trees
  18. Resistant to salinity.

- In the case of high temperature of the soil uses the lowest dose
- Low toxicity of 2000 ld50 mg / kg
- Studies and experiments:

  • When sprinkled on wheat and rice is noticed after 3 - 7 days it increases the production of chlorophyll in the plant and thus increase photosynthesis and increase productivity. After 7 days, the root total increases as the plant can obtain greater amounts of water, reducing exposure to drought.
  • It also increased the number of legumes and growth in legumes clearly increased the ability of the plant to resist diseases
  • When added to vegetables after 3 - 5 days was observed that the germination faster, the size of the leaves bigger and thicker
  • Increase productivity by 20 - 40%
  • Increases the hardness of fruits and reduces their fall
  • It has a role in resistance to some viruses
  • Production starts from 7-14 days
  • Add to the grape trees good quality red grapes and increased concentration of color
  • It has been added to fertilizers containing hyomic acid, herbal extracts, amino acids and other fertilizers in both Italy, Australia, Spain and for its benefits to plant




Forchlorfenuron (CPPU): 0.01%SL


Soluble liquid


ENLARGE is a very powerful growth regulator (PGR), which has been shown to improve fruit size and promote bud formation, break down lateral bud dormancy and promote germination, delay plant aging and maintain chlorophyll in leaves; It regulates the transportation of nutrients. Promotes fruit composition from grapes, kiwi, pears, cherries, pistachios, almonds, and peaches.

Gibberellex 80 SG



Growth Regulator containing GABRICLIC ACID GA, its characteristics are as follows:

- Gibberellic acid has an effect on plant growth because of its role in elongation of cells, plant growth, root mass and production of large leaves.

- Gibberellic acid used to break dormancy seeds is most effective on plants that have requirements in the dormant role of germination.

- Gibberellic acid can work on producing longer flowers on ornamental plants. In addition to its role in increasing size.

- Increases photosynthesis and plant metabolism.

- Can be used to increase leg length in number of crops.

- Improve the creation and growth of small plants produced by tissue culture.

- Used to help plants that lack material


- Gibberellic Acid: 80% 

- Sodium citrate: 20% 


Packing in 1.25 gm bag


Usage rate:




2-3 bag / 200 l water


2-3 bag / 200 l water


2-3 bag / 200 l water


Bag/1000 L Spray on ­owers

3 bag /200 L water dipping fruit grape

Repeat 3 times




Greenex: Breaks the sleep phase and stimulates early and similar propulsion

Greenx: A local effect on the buds and what is absorbed inside the plant is a body of ammonia, which turns into nitrite ion, which enters the synthesis of amino acids and build plant tissues (the effect of fertilizer)

Greenx: has a role in improving the physical and chemical properties such as the size and color of fruits and the proportion of sugar and soluble solids.

Greenex: It is used on the plant and has no residual effect.

Greenx: regulates flowering in trees and increases the opening of lateral buds.

Greenex: works on the early production of grapes, which prolongs the marketing period for grapes.

Usage rate:

Crop Dose ml / L Water Method of application
Grapes 25 - 50 At Dormancy stage during 30 - 40 day's before bud bloom
Apple , Pear 20 - 40
Peach , Plums 5 - 50
kiwi 40 - 60